Team Details


Md Sakib Hossain Shovon

Research Assistant (RA) @The University of Queensland, Australia | Ex.Lead Researcher @ AMIR Lab | BSc graduate in CSE @AIUB, Bangladesh



Advanced Machine Intelligence Research Lab
(AMIRL), Block-B, Banani. Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh



Publication Profile:
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I am Md Sakib Hossain Shovon, a BSc. graduate of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) from American International University-Bangladesh in mid-2023. Before that, I worked as a Lead Researcher in the Advanced Machine Intelligence Research Lab (From June 2022-April 2024). In addition, I was government-directed- an AI trainee engineer in our country. In addition, I was Research Assistant at AIUB from June 2022-August 2022  As a highly motivated research enthusiast, I accomplished many papers including Journal Papers (IEEE Access, Scientific Report, Sensors, Diagnostics, Information Fusion, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, etc., Book chapters (Springer’s Data-Intensive Research Series), Conference papers (IEEE’s 3ICT Conference, ICCA 24), etc. However, I have collaborated and accomplished my research work with different top universities such as King Abdulaziz University (KSA), King Saud University (KSA), University of Aizu (Japan), etc. In addition, I have worked with some of the top professors/data scientists from Bangladesh, Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, India, Australia, the UK, USA etc.

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